🔮FairLaunch on PinkSale

RunEarner - No Private sale.

RunEarner FAIRLAUNCH round will happen on Pinksale launchpad, the presale link mentioned below.

THIS IS THE OFFICIAL Fairlaunch LINK: FAIRLAUNCH LINK - https://www.pinksale.finance/launchpad/0x91E2436914308FEdb08F7e01BB467ac171850F87?chain=BSC

We will follow a Rule where everyone will be able to acquire $RunEarn tokens in an equal way on the PinkSale platform using BNB.

Fair To Everyone:

Everybody will have an equal chance to buy $RunEarn on Pinksale at release time. Once presale ends, there will be no further available investment at the Fairlaunch rate. The only way to buy $RunEarn will be on PankcakeSwap.

PancakeSwap Listing - After Pinksale Fairlaunch the $RunEarn/BNB liquidity pair will be added within 2 hours. The liquidity will be locked through trusted Pinklock.

Last updated