💸RunEarner Auto-Staking Work?

How Does Auto-Staking Work?

RunEarner , we want to build a safe, long-term investment opportunity for investors out there. RunEarner delivers a decentralized financial asset that rewards users with a sustainable fixed interest rate model using the unique protocol.

The RunEarner Auto-Staking Protocol is a new financial protocol that makes staking easier, and more efficient and awards $RunEarn token holders the highest stable returns in crypto.

RunEarner Auto-Staking Protocol gives the RunEarner token automatic staking and compounding features, and the highest Fixed APY in the market at 6,15,365.01%. RunEarner is a company focused on DeFi innovation that creates benefits and value for RunEarner token holders. Our Staking protocol that is used within the RunEarner token grants exceptional benefits for holders of $RunEarn :

  • Low Risk with the Insurance Fund - 3% of all trading fees are stored in the RunEarner Insurance Fund which helps sustain and back the staking rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk.

  • Easy and Safe Staking - The RunEarner token always stays in your wallet so it doesn’t need to be put into the hands of a 3rd party or centralized authority. All you need to do is buy & hold as you automatically receive rewards in your own wallet so there are no more complicated staking processes at all.

  • Interest Yield with Automatic Payments - You need not worry about having to re-stake your tokens. Interest yield is paid automatically and compounded in your own wallet, guaranteeing you will never miss a payment.

  • Highest Fixed APY - $RunEarn. We have set the APY aggressively at 6,15,365.01% annually, resulting with a high fixed rate of approximately 0.04981% Every 30 minutes total 48 times.

  • Auto Token Burn - One of the exciting features of RunEarner is an automatic token burn system that prevents circulating supply from getting out of hand and becoming unmanageable. The burn wallet burns 0.5% out of all RunEarner Token at market sales and is burned in the same individual transaction.

The RunEarner Auto-Staking Protocol uses a complex set of factors to support its price and the rebase rewards. It includes the Insurance Fund to achieve price stability and long-term sustainability of the $RunEarn. We have set the APY aggressively at 6,15,365.01% annually, resulting with a high fixed rate of approximately 0.04981% Every 30 minutes total 48 times. The RunEarner development team has coordinated all of these elements together so they work seamlessly behind the scenes. The result is a simple and elegant staking and rewards system for $RunEarn holders.

Using a Positive Rebase formula, ken $RunEarn. We have set the APY aggressively at 6,15,365.01% annually, resulting with a high fixed rate of approximately 0.04981% Every 30 minutes total 48 times. The rebase rewards are distributed on each EPOCH ( minutes rebase period) to all $RunEarn holders.

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