🖍Shoes Creating

Coming Soon


Users use 2 Sneakers they own as a blueprint to “breed”, creating a Shoebox in the process. Both Sneakers need to have full durability to begin "creating".

In Create tab, choosing 2 Sneakers to “create”, and pressing Create to proceed. The user will instantly receive a Shoebox that can be opened immediately.

Users can create a maximum of 7 time per Sneaker. The higher creating time a Sneaker has, the more $RunEarn it will cost.

Shoe-Creating has a 48 hours cool down for both Sneakers which can still be used for movement.


  1. Common

  2. Uncommon

  3. Rare

  4. Epic

  5. Legendary

Shoe-Creating has a chance to drop one extra Lucky box. The higher the creating time, the higher the chance to drop multiple Lucky boxes.

Last updated